Streaming Against the Dark

In response to a virus that has infected the majority of the Earth's population and changed them into flesh-eating and blood-drinking animals, a gang of hunters led by Tao and his sword go after the vampire zombies in order to exterminate them. In an abandoned hospital swarming with infected monsters, six non-infected survivors attempt to make their way to the exit. Meanwhile, the military is preparing (this one) to bombard the whole region with missiles.

There is no rule that says that you can't have horror in a summer show. And who thought it was a good idea to put Steven Seagal in a zombie movie? against the dark, Seagal fights vampires in a world that is full of them. People who don't think and eat flesh are called zombies. Vampires are what people call them but that's what people call them Usually.

source: BlogSpot - More

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